Aragh Saggi

Aragh Sagi (or Araq Sagi) is a type of distilled alcoholic beverage in Iran which contains at least 45% pure ethanol. It is usually produced at home from raisins. Its production and possession by ordinary citizens is considered illegal in Iran by the ruling fascists (which is the case for all alcoholic beverages). Prior to 1979 revolution in Iran - which eventually lead to the formation of a fascist dictatorship - this product had been produced traditionally in several cities of Iran. 
Since it was outlawed after 1979, it became a black market and underground business. Today, Aragh Sagi is widely considered a cheap alcoholic beverage that consumers choose due to lack of other available options. Such laws only relate to the poor and those who oppose the fascists. Richer connected pro-regime people (in the fascist government and with links to them) enjoy more refined types of alcohol with a blind eye turned to this by the authorities. Christians can legally make and drink it too.

Aragh (also arak) generically refers to a set of aromatic liquids that are produced by distillation from herbs and seeds, for example mint or anise. Alcoholic aragh is produced from raisins. Aragh-e Sagi literally "doggy arak" from sag = dog in Persian) is a purer and stronger sort of Iranian arak distilled from raisins but without anise.
Aragh khori, or the Persian drinking session, requires certain rites and rituals usually dictated by the region and the position and age of the participants. Generally speaking, however, the proceedings include considerations for the distributor the drink, the size and quality of the cups, the participants' turn to drink, and the toasting ceremony